So, as the Internet has shoved down all of our throats, THIGH GAPS MATTER! THIGH GAPS ARE SUPER SEXY AND NECESSARY AND AMAZING AND OTHER IMPORTANT, POSITIVE ADJECTIVES! The reality, though, is that thigh gaps are only trendy because they are biologically impossible for most normal women who aren't able to starve themselves to near-starving-child-in-Africa status (except for those of us who live in the world of Photoshop or cartoon self-images). The secret, though, is that thigh gaps are super easy to get. Ready? Watch carefully:
DID YOU CATCH THAT!? Okay, look again:
Genius, right? No, but really. I declare war on thigh gaps.. why can't we all aspire to be more like things that make us happy? Like ice cream - we should all aspire to be like ice cream... and Jennifer Lawrence.