Saturday, February 8, 2014

How To Diet With Less Teeth

Who is that stunningly attractive chipmunk/human mix, you might be asking yourself?  This girl is the genius of diets and losing weight, so has she finally figured out what cheeks are REALLY for!? (read: hoarding food to save for later).  Alas, no.  I am good, but I am not good.  While I wish I could say that this cover-shoot-level photo is of me doing something hilarious and/or brilliant, it's actually just my swollen face after having 4 teeth yanked from it. 

The upside of all the tooth yanking is that I can't eat solid food and have moved to a mush-and-liquid diet.  Basically, I only eat soup, apple sauce, oatmeal, ice cream, and mac and cheese, so I'm living the life.  I get to throw temper tantrums and make people bring me food and, because pain meds are glorious in all ways, I only want to eat like half of a normal serving (note: normal servings are about one bajillionth smaller than a Laura serving), and therefore I predict myself losing tons of weight and becoming super skinny and beautiful.  It all seems realistic.  I mean, what other reason would I have for letting some strange man violently rip 4 teeth I couldn't even feel from my face?

I feel like teeth just get in the way of dieting, really.  I mean without teeth, you can't eat pizza or bagels or chips or any of that fattening food.  So, if we all had fewer teeth/no teeth, we'd all be super skinny and beautiful, like this lady:  

I don't know.  Writing is harder with a swollen face.  I'll let you guys know how it winds up going after the puffing goes down, which might not be till mid week (UGH).  Prediction: as soon as my mouth stops hurting I justify eating way more junk food than I should since I spent the whole weekend not eating it and any weight I lose is for naught.

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