Friday, January 10, 2014

No bread, I'm out.

Woo! Weekend time, baby!  Who doesn't love spending a solid few days drinking and eating pizza to "soak up all the alcohol" and then eating waffles AND pancakes because we're hung over and WHO CAN EVER PICK BETWEEN THOSE ANYWAY!?!?!?

I'll tell ya who... people on a diet.  Ugh.  UGH.  #UGH

I mean I guess missing out on a few nights of boozing in order to fit into a bridesmaid's dress is worth it.. but did I mention UGH!?  I can't say if Kate Moss was on to anything when she said "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels," but did she know that includes BEER? And WINE?  And VODKA?  Don't they taste better than skinny?  Cuz let me tell you, when I'm tasting those things, I'm like PIZZA AND CHICKEN FINGERS AND MELTED CHEESE AND YUM and they DEFINITELY taste better than skinny feels in that moment!!

Even as I'm writing this, I'm like yeah yeah yeah okay so I know I always feel like crap the next day and that just makes me put more food into my face, but it tastes soooo good! #amiright?

Skinny feels great till I remember that carbs taste just SOO good.  In the wise words of @itskeets, "'THIS IS THE BEST!!! Wait what do you mean no bread, I'm out."

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